Do you ever wonder if there’s any good news anymore? When was the last time you turned on the television or scrolled through your social media feed and found stories celebrating kindness, happiness, good character, or high morals? Instead, we see a steady diet of hate, division, perversion, and idolatry. It’s no wonder suicide rates and depression are at all-time highs.
Media now rules every aspect of society. It’s inescapable, and there is no doubt it has become Satan’s greatest tool. The murder and mutilation of children is not only accepted, but celebrated on the front pages of newspapers and websites around the globe. The world has lost its mind and any sense of hope is being dragged down into the pits of Hell (Romans 1:28-32).
Where is the hope for a generation that has lost its way and seems clueless about how to regain its footing? As a reader of this blog, you already know what the answer is. We have the good news that is the antidote for all the bad news in the world. The Bible is clear in telling us the world will only get worse until Christ returns, so none of the evil pervading our culture should come as a surprise (2 Timothy 3:1-5). What does surprise me is how quickly we forget we know how the story ends (Revelation 21:4).
Christians are not immune from these feelings of despair, but I think there’s a good argument to be made that we should be. Jesus told us to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). No matter how bad things appear, our King has already won the war (Colossians 2:13-15). While I recognize there are chemical imbalances responsible for some cases of depression, I believe demonic oppression and spiritual apathy are behind most cases of depression for Christians. When our focus is on Jesus and serving Him, it is all but impossible to feel hopeless.
I know from experience that taking our eyes off Jesus and putting them on ourselves or the affairs of this world never results in making us hopeful or full of joy. Only Jesus can fill our emptiness because it is sin that makes our hearts sick with feelings of inadequacy and wrong desires. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness and makes us whole (1 John 1:7). In Christ, we no longer want for anything because He is all we need (Philippians 4:19; 2 Peter 1:3).
What happens in this world can never overcome the goodness and salvation of Jesus. The battle is already won, and Satan knows it. That’s why the devil tries so hard to convince you that the end is still in doubt. Satan knows he is defeated, so all he can do is try to convince you it’s not true long enough to keep you from believing in Christ. The good news is that Satan is a liar, and he holds no power over you once you surrender to the Lordship of Jesus (James 4:7). Don’t get sucked in by the lies of this culture of death. Remember the good news of Christ and surrender to the way, the truth, and the life found only in Jesus (John 14:6).