Amidst all the craziness in life, it’s comforting to realize that we don’t have to know where we’re going as long as we know who we’re following. We don’t need to understand how we’ll reach our destination; we simply have to know why. We see only a small piece of the complete picture that God holds in His hands. On our own we are helplessly lost, but when we surrender our lives to Him, we are found and placed on the proper path for as long as we will follow. You are simply wasting your time trying to figure life out on your own.
When hiking through the woods, we readily trust the compass in our hands. No matter which way we turn, we can be confident that the compass will never get disoriented and lose its sense of direction. It is a faithful and potentially life-saving partner in our adventure. It is the same with God in our day to day lives. No matter what’s going on in our lives, regardless of how deep we may have gotten ourselves, God remains resolute and steady. He is unchanging and unflappable. Why are we so hesitant to rely on Him in our moments of despair? Only a fool would discard their compass in the middle of an unknown forest and arrogantly rely on their own sense of direction. Yet this is what we essentially do every day of our lives. We neglect to have faith in our most trusted companion, convinced that we are capable of going it alone.
It’s okay to not be certain of where we are headed. As long as we are seeking God first in all that we do, His word assures us that He will lead us on the right paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). We are not promised an easy road or a safe journey; we are only told that He will keep us on the right course. As a follower of Jesus, that must be enough. He warned that we could wind up homeless and persecuted, even killed, but in the end the reward will make the trials we face more than worth the pain.
While we can be assured we are on the right course, there will be times when we can’t see our way around the obstacles in our path. If we try and figure out the situation on our own and take our eyes off of Jesus, the hurdle will become insurmountable. When we start looking at our circumstances, we lose sight of the reason we are on the journey. With our eyes on us and our own desires, we will not be able to find our way around the impediment. Only when we focus on why we were created – to glorify God in every way – will we be able to overcome the challenges that lay before us.
God’s compass is always just a prayer away. He longs to collaborate in the adventure of life with you. Why not trust Him to pull you through the trials and lead you in the way that leads to true and everlasting life? We are lost without Him; we are nothing on our own. Stop stumbling around in the dark. Rely on God and step into the light.
Question: Are you reluctant to let God lead in every area of your life? You can share your comments with others below.