If money and time was no object, what would you most desire to do for the Kingdom of God? So often we say we’d serve more if only we had the time, or we’d give more if our personal finances weren’t so tight. While there may indeed be truth behind these statements, I think it is too easy to use our circumstances as a convenient excuse for not living out the Kingdom mission of Christ. There are many ways to earn more money if we were motivated enough to do so, and time can be freed up by shuffling our priorities. So if you could find a way, what would you really do if you had unlimited resources of both time and money?
It’s amazing how those who claim to have no money find a way to buy new clothes, a new car or even a new home. When we claim to have no money to give to helping those in need, what we really mean is that we have no money left over after we’ve spent what we wanted on ourselves. I understand there are many who truly have very little income and are in no way storing away wealth for themselves; but most in this audience would not fit into that category. If you haven’t been reading this blog for long or just need a reminder, I encourage you to visit the global rich list. Input your annual income to see where you rate in terms of wealth with the rest of the world. If you make over $25,000 per year, you are in the top 10% of the world. As you see, for most of us, a lack of money is not the issue; it is simply a lack of will to give most of it away.
Like money, time is another asset of which we own plenty but sacrifice little. We all admire those who give freely of their time to serve the needs of others throughout their communities and around the world. Now here’s a dirty little secret: those people who do so much have exactly the same amount of time available to them as do you and I. No matter where you go or where you live, no matter how old you are or how young, we all have twenty-four hours to use each and every day. The reason others appear to have more time is because they are prioritizing it differently than we are; they are intentionally choosing to spend the time allotted to them in a manner that promotes the kingdom rather than themselves.
We have been blessed with so much, and yet instead of being grateful for all we have been given, we desperately cling to what we have while grasping for even more. Instead of using our resources to serve others, we hoard them for our own comfort and well-being. Jesus said that “to whom much is given, much is expected” (Luke 12:48). How are you doing with the time and money that has been entrusted to you? Are you thinking you would do more if only you had more? Have you ever considered that you would have more if you would simply do more with what you’ve been given? If time and money was no object, what would you really do? Instead of sitting around wishing for that opportunity to come, why not take what you have and begin pouring it into that vision today? The same God who used a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish to feed 5,000 people lives within you. He can multiply what you have beyond your wildest dreams if only you would give it all away. Don’t wait until you have more to give; start where you are, use what you have, and surrender everything to God for His glory and His Kingdom.