What story are you telling with your life? Is it something you intentionally write or are you just waiting to see what might happen along the way? God has blessed us all with opportunities and situations throughout our lives that shape who we become. What is the common thread that runs through your story? Is it a story of love or one of bitterness, deceit and regret? As followers of Jesus, our lives should read of the beauty of our Father and His all-encompassing love. Perhaps you’ve not ever taken time to consider the story your life is weaving. If not, I encourage you to begin today. Here are three areas on which you should focus.
- What story has your life told? Grab a pen and a journal, your laptop, or iPad and get alone somewhere. Think back over your life, as far as your memory can reach, and work your way up to where you find yourself today. What characteristics have marked your life? Have you been daring or fearful? Abused or blessed? In plenty or in need? How have you treated others along the way? What impression have you left on those who have known you?
- What story is your life telling? Who are you today? What is that others would say defines you? For whom or for what are you living? What gets you out of bed each morning? Do you have a definite purpose and are you intentionally pursuing it? In what ways are you showing the love of Christ to others? How are you living in community with those around you? Whom in your life are you encouraging?
- What story will your life tell? As you look to the future, what story do you want to tell? What will you change today in order to achieve that? What are you willing to give up in order to tell the story you desire to live? Nothing comes without sacrifice, and if you want to tell a particular story, it will cost you something; it may cost you everything.
All our life is a story. Every day we add to it and we take away. The story never ends; one way or the other we are constantly writing the story of our lives. We can sit idly by watching it slowly unravel before us, or we can intentionally guide its twists and turns. We define the plot and the characters by our choices and interactions with others. We determine the outcome by choosing to live for Christ or choosing to relegate Him to the shadows.
In the end, I want my story to be a story of love. I want people to see Christ radiantly reflected in everything I do. My goal is to be seen by everyone as someone who humbly cares for and serves the needs of others. That’s the story of the life of Christ. I want that to be my story. It won’t happen by accident; it will only happen if I intentionally choose to walk that way every moment of my life. Great stories are written one chapter at a time; yours will be revealed by your response to the opportunities given to you. Tell your story well.
Think about your own story. What is it saying to the world? Please join the conversation below.