It’s amazing how warnings we received years ago still go unheeded. I was compelled to listen to an old Keith Green CD this week and the lyrics from his song, “Asleep In the Light”, jumped up and grabbed me much as they did when I first heard the song 30 years ago. It’s a call to waken a dead and sleeping church to the reality that there are people dying and going to hell every minute of our lives. We are called to tell others about Christ in order that they might repent and be saved from an otherwise unimaginable fate. In case you haven’t noticed, we’re not getting the job done.
In one part of the song Keith sings:
He cries, He weeps, He bleeds
And He cares for your needs
And you just lay back
And keep soaking it in
We in the Western world are so guilty of this. We pray for safety, health and for wealth. When we’ve finished running through our personal laundry list, we might throw in a couple of quick requests for those in need as well. We view success as an indication of how pleased God is with us. Did you ever stop to think that Satan might be the source of your blessings? He doesn’t care if you thank God for them just as long as that same success keeps you numb and complacent. I believe our tendency is to live as if we’re entitled to more than those in other parts of the world. We are all one blood, and all in need of a transfusion with the blood of Christ. No one is greater than another. The same God created us all. Don’t ever confuse blessings with superiority.
In another portion of the song, the words read:
The world is sleeping in the dark
That the church just can’t fight
’cause it’s asleep in the light
How can you be so dead
When you’ve been so well fed
Jesus rose from the grave
And you, you can’t even get out of bed
We are a people of creature comforts. We act as if we are entitled to have as much or more than the next person. Where is the humility in that? We have been instructed to serve one another (Galatians 5:13). Jesus said the least among us will be the greatest (Mark 9:35). Life is not about getting ahead. It’s not about us. It’s all about Jesus, spreading His good news, and living a life of service to others. We are called to go into the entire world proclaiming the message of Jesus (Matthew 28:19), yet we can’t even convince ourselves to put forth the effort.
I bear the shame of this, and I’m guessing you do as well. Are we doing all we can to let people know there is a way that leads to life and not death? Will we care for the sick, the lost and the dying? Are we willing to stand and fight, or are we simply asleep in the light?
Challenge: What action will you take today to wake up and live out your calling?