What if Jesus had never been born? What if He had not come to walk among us? It’s Christmas Eve and tomorrow we celebrate the birth of our Savior a couple thousand years ago. How would your life be different today if you had never come to know Jesus? I’ll be honest, I’m not sure I’d be alive. There have been times in my life that if it weren’t for Jesus, I don’t think I would have made it through. I have often remarked that I don’t understand how people cope without Christ. To whom do they turn when everyone has failed them and everything has fallen apart? How do people without Jesus ever experience true peace? God created us for a purpose, and the only way to discover that purpose is through the person of Jesus Christ.
If Jesus had never been born, the way I treat people would be significantly different. I’m certain I would have thrown myself full bore into our “everyone for themselves” culture. It’s a tendency I overcome only with the help of God today.
I suppose I’d have more cash to spend on myself. After all, what would compel me to give to those in need? If Jesus had not modeled how we are to look after the poor and oppressed, why would I do that with money I worked so hard to earn?
I probably would not be married if Jesus had never been born. It is His concern and desire for unity with His church that has inspired that same devotion for me towards my wife. If not for Jesus demonstrating the beauty and fulfilling nature of an intimate relationship, I would never give it a thought. I’m kind of a lone wolf after all, so why would I surrender some of my precious time to invest in the life of someone else?
If Jesus had never been born, it is obvious to me that I would be incredibly selfish. Everything I did would be to better myself, to enhance my status in the world, and to acquire more stuff to feed my insatiable desire for pleasure and entertainment. My entire life would be focused on me and no one else.
If not for the birth of Jesus, I would not know what it takes to fulfill my destiny. I wouldn’t know what true love looks like. I wouldn’t understand compassion or gratitude. The birth of Jesus did more than pave the way for us to get to Heaven. It showed us how to live on earth.
So how would your own life be different if Jesus had never been born? What has the birth of Christ meant to you? Praise God that He did not abandon us to our own depravity and selfishness. He was born like us so that He could die for us. Without the birth of Jesus, there would not have been the death of Jesus. There would be no blood covering our sins. If Jesus had never been born, we would never have been able to enter the presence of God. I’m so thankful He was born. I am in awe of His sacrifice. Let’s not forget the importance of His birth. Tomorrow, and every day, let us worship our King. Merry Christmas.