Fernando Ortega wrote a song several years ago called, “Give Me Jesus”. Many will be familiar with the Anne Graham Lotz book and seminar of the same name. The lyrics of the song are tremendous with a refrain of, “You can have all this world/Just give me Jesus.” How amazingly beautiful, but can we honestly sing those words? Are we really willing to cede every earthly pleasure and reward for the love of Jesus? If we had nothing else, would Jesus be enough? Is knowing Jesus enough to carry us through any storm we might face in this world? This is the level of desire His love demands.
I submit to you that Jesus is enough regardless of the circumstance. The love of God revealed through His Son is more satisfying than anything on earth. Love heals all wounds and rights all wrongs. There is nothing outside the reach of love. The problem is that we rarely accept His love at face value. We don’t really understand the concept of a love that is truly unconditional. Instead we bring the baggage of things we’ve done, people we’ve hurt, or opportunities we’ve missed. Somehow we have convinced ourselves that God loves everyone else unconditionally but is prevented from loving us in this manner because of the activities of our past.
How dare we suppose ourselves capable of limiting the all powerful, all consuming love of God. We don’t feel or recognize such love because we cannot fathom something so immense. Until we come to grips with the fact that God’s love penetrates even our darkest and most shameful places, we will struggle to understand how He is worth more than anything this world has to offer. The love of God is bigger than your addictions, bigger than your secrets, and bigger than your disease. It never fails. It embraces you at all times. We need simply let go of our presuppositions and allow ourselves to collapse into His arms.
When the boss is unreasonable, the spouse infuriating, and life in general just a chaotic mess, there is peace and rest in the outstretched arms of our Savior. There is joy in the magnificent glory of our God. There is victory in the scars of our warrior King. There is hope in love, and there is no love like that of the Father’s toward you.
The next time you are tempted to find answers or absolution in anything of this world, take a moment and pause. Close your eyes and come into the presence of God. Ask Him to fill you with His peace and love. Ask Him to fill you with His presence. Read a passage of Scripture, perhaps something from the Psalms or the words of Jesus. Orient your mind towards Him. Look at your situation through His eyes. See others as He does, as individuals of infinite worth. Recognize the temporary nature of this life, and even more so of this moment. Situations pass. Life goes on. Only love is eternal. Rest in the unfailing, unending love of the Father revealed through His Son. Nothing else will ever satisfy. Just give me Jesus.