What is it God wants to do in your life? God says, “This is what I have for you; come and see!” But we respond, “Oh no Lord; not me!” Why is our faith so weak that we cannot believe that God can do whatever He wants to accomplish in our lives? Why is our vision so small that we can only dream of what is possible through our own strength? Paul said in Philippians 4:13 that he could do all things through the strength of Christ. All things! He didn’t say some things or easy things, but all things.
Let me let you in on a little secret: you cannot out-dream God. No matter how grand your vision, God’s is greater still. He has created you with unimaginable potential, and He invites you to come and see what He will do with your life. Our only obligation in this whole deal is to follow Him. If we will simply obey the voice of Jesus and walk in the path He puts before us, He will take care of the rest. God will give you the words to speak when you need them (Luke 21:14-15). He will give you the strength to continue when you feel you can’t go on (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). He does all of the hard, impossible stuff. Our part is simply to obey.
I don’t think any of us have the slightest clue of all we could accomplish for His Kingdom if we would simply kick away all that holds us back. Friends and family will laugh at us. They will tell us what we are trying to do is impossible, too big, or simply ridiculous. Yet still Jesus beckons us to, “come and see”. We shouldn’t care what the neighbors think. Newsflash – they don’t care what we think either! We are consumed with our appearance and standing in this world, when the only thing that matters is where we stand in the world to come.
God didn’t create you or me to live our lives quietly watching the world go by. He didn’t create us to see how much of the American dream we could grab for ourselves. And He certainly didn’t create us to dream little dreams and live our days with a meek faith. We’re talking about the Creator of the Universe here! Look around you; everything you see – the sun, the moon, the stars, the trees, the grass, the animals, and every chemical that makes up everything else – God created all of it. Every man-made item is actually composed of God-made materials. God is not a God of small dreams!
I believe God is grieved when we dream small because our faith is so weak, He created us for so much more. That doesn’t mean more in the eyes of men. Who cares about that? He created you to do enormous things for His Kingdom. He created you to love in amazing ways; to serve with incredible humility. The life God plans for you will exceed every dream you could ever have. We need only surrender to Him. We need only to “come and see”.