Everyone wants to make a difference. We all want to live a life of significance, to live a powerful life. Why then do so many lead lives of quiet desperation? Should Christ followers even aspire to any form of greatness or recognition? Nelson Mandela said there is no passion in playing small, in living a life less than you are capable of living.

I think Jesus would agree. He created you with a unique blend of skills and passions to do the work He designed for you to do. He created you for a reason. If Jesus is your Lord, the very Spirit of God resides within you. How then could you not live a powerful life?
We are timid because we have been taught to be so. God created us to be courageous (Joshua 1:9; 2 Timothy 1:7; 1 Corinthians 16:13). He didn’t design wallflowers; instead, He commanded each of us to go boldly into our neighborhoods and workplaces telling everyone the good news of Jesus (Mark 16:15). We are often afraid, because we don’t recognize the flawless love of Christ lives within us. Perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18), so we no longer need to cower in any circumstance. Again, the Spirit of the one true God lives within you! You cannot help but live a powerful life when you understand and accept this reality.
It’s true we are called to be humble (Matthew 5:5), but Jesus was humble and still lived the most powerful life in the history of humankind. No one has left a greater imprint in history than this meek and homeless man. To live a powerful life does not mean one must be ruthless and brash. Jesus showed it means quite the opposite. We can aspire to greatness in one of two ways: we can follow the wisdom of the world and achieve fleeting wealth and fame or we can choose to follow the example of Jesus and make a true difference for all of eternity. Both lives will be seen as powerful, but only one will matter.
To live a powerful life, you need only follow in the footsteps of Jesus and obey everything He commanded His followers to do. It is that simple. If you live like Jesus, you will live a powerful life. Is it worth the cost? It’s for you to decide, but I would challenge you to weigh the converse of the question; is it worth the cost to not live your life fully devoted to Him? Is it worth the cost to face Him having to answer why you did not fulfill the potential He placed within you? There is a cost to every decision, and you must weigh it for yourself.
If you want to live a powerful life, a life of extraordinary significance, the only right answer is to surrender your life to Jesus. His Spirit in you means you are able to do anything (Philippians 4:13). There is no other way to break the chains of desperation and your feelings of insignificance. Having the Spirit of God dwelling inside you is the only way to live a powerful life. You were designed for this; but you must choose to step out of your fear, push your doubt aside, rely only on Him, and live a powerful life.