I’ve written in the past about both intentional living and there being no days off for a disciple of Jesus. What I have come to realize is those two topics are inextricably linked. The way we take no days off from following Jesus is to make certain we live each moment with intention. Jesus was always “on”; He was always God. By the same token, He was always moving with intention in order to further His mission and to see His Kingdom come to fruition on earth.
Even when it meant torture and death, Jesus steeled His gaze and intentionally move toward the horror awaiting Him. He didn’t go on vacation or spend a few days pursuing pleasure before getting on with things. He kept being who He was for the purpose of why He came. We are called to live in the same way.
As disciples of Jesus, we do not have the option to coast through life. The nature of our calling demands we move closer to Christ each day. Our mission requires us to advance His Kingdom each day we have breath in our lungs. Since every one of us has been given a unique combination of talents, skills, and passions, it follows we should be using those in every moment. God didn’t bestow gifts upon you to see you place them on a shelf and wait for His return.
I have no doubt been commissioned to write in order to instruct and encourage others to live their lives wholly devoted to Christ. This particular gifting comes with responsibilities. To be a writer, I must write! Every day I must show up at my keyboard and write to the best of my ability. I believe it is our duty to develop the gifts God has given us and be the best at our craft. This requires both discipline and intention.
In order to know what to write, I have to nurture my relationship with God. I have to study the Bible and the wisdom of other Godly men and women. To keep my mind sharp and able to learn requires I exercise and eat foods which will fuel my body in healthy ways. I have to get adequate sleep to power my immune system. The reason I detail all this is to demonstrate the level of commitment and discipline necessary to be on mission for Christ every day.
This isn’t to point to me in anyway (because I definitely have not mastered this myself) but rather to encourage you to do the work you need to do to create your own disciplined intention. Think through the responsibilities necessary to best develop and utilize your own talents, skills, and passions. What is it you aren’t doing which you must begin doing today?
Every day we have a choice to follow Jesus or pursue our own desires. Every day we must choose to use the gifts He has given us to further His Kingdom or to take it easy and build our own private sanctuary. It is common for Christians to want to identify with Paul and say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7) when we meet Jesus. I don’t think many of us will be able to say those words. Look at the work Paul put in to earn the right to say those words.
Are we living with the same disciplined intention of Paul? Are we refusing to take a day off from living for Jesus even when we’re sick or would rather have a little time to ourselves? Every moment of our life has a massive impact on the next moment. Are we choosing it wisely? Are we living with disciplined intention? Are we really willing to do the work it takes to become the person God created us to be?
Take no days off. Live each moment with intention. Love and serve others. Be disciplined as you build the Kingdom of God and you too will hear Him say, “Well done my good and faithful child.” (Matthew 25:23)