Are you available to be used by God? Before you answer, understand when God looks for an available person, He is looking for 100% availability. Being half-committed isn’t committed at all. God is constantly seeking those who have left everything behind, taken up their cross, and declared their availability for the sake of the Kingdom.
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It’s easy to say we’re available for His service. It’s much harder to actually live an available life. A disciple of Jesus is available for anything at any time. Disciples don’t weigh the cost or try to see all the angles before answering the call. They simply proclaim their availability, and move the moment they are called.
In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus said the harvest was abundant but there were not enough laborers available to work the fields. He told the disciples to pray people would make themselves available to carry out the mission of God. Availability is not someone else’s job. It is the responsibility of every Christ follower to declare themselves ready and able to go into the world, and to do the work we were created to do. If we are not available for whatever task He puts before us, we cannot call ourselves His disciples. A disciple must be many things, and availability is a non-negotiable obligation.
Being available means being totally surrendered. Paul encouraged the followers of Jesus to be a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1). To allow ourselves to be sacrificed means we must surrender to every desire, dream, and selfish wish we possess. Availability demands total surrender. Nothing can be more important than following Jesus wherever He leads. Nothing can be more desirable than seeing the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven.
Availability demands surrender; surrender, in turn, demands obedience. Disobedient people are not available for whatever comes their way. They are too focused on their own desires to be able to see the needs of the Kingdom. When we lose sight of what God desires us to do, we cease to be available. Selfishness will trump availability every time because the result of selfishness will always be disobedience. An available person must be selfless. Selflessness requires total dependence on, and obedience to, Jesus. When we come to the place where we recognize we are nothing without Christ, and indeed can do nothing without Him, we are closing in on being available for whatever He requires of us.
Are you available? Your life will reveal the truth. If you are living a selfless, surrendered, and obedient life, you are available to be used by God. If you aren’t 100% available, what’s holding you back? I promise you it isn’t worth it. No matter what is keeping you from being available to God, it will kill you in the end. Life is found in Jesus alone. Nothing and no one else can deliver you from the pain and emptiness inside. God is worth our devotion, our surrender, and our obedience. We owe our lives to Him. The harvest is ready. Are you available?