We’re all busy; we all seem to be tired. Many, if I not most of us, would describe ourselves as exhausted. We’re exhausted trying to keep up with the demand’s society puts on us, and by the constant endeavor to have more – whatever “more” actually is. It’s our own fault. In most cases, the fact we are exhausted is due to the choices we’ve made and for the things we’ve allowed into our lives. Often, we are busy simply being busy. I’ve known people who seemed to feel the more crammed their calendar was, the more important they were.
They got busy scheduling meetings even when it meant double and triple-booking themselves. It’s a bit of insanity. There is, however, a healthy way to become exhausted. When we spend our days in the relentless pursuit of Jesus, we will undoubtedly become exhausted, but it will be the sweetest sense of tired you will ever know.