Are you really living for Jesus? I’ve been grappling with that question lately. As the days, months, and years tick off, each going faster than the one before, I have to be honest with myself. Is my life reflecting that of Jesus? Do people look at me and want what I have? Does my life look different from all those who live around me?
If we say Jesus is our Lord, then we will have almost nothing in common with our friends and neighbors who don’t know Christ. Jesus transforms lives. If ours is not being transformed, then we have to revisit the question of “Is He our Lord?” Or is that only something we wish was true but have no practical proof it is?
What sickens me is I could live my life convinced I am living for Jesus but discover it is only a facade. When I have some free moments, am I spending them in His presence and doing something that glorifies Him? Or am I indulging my selfish desires? Does worldly entertainment entice me more than the Bible? Because nothing is more important than living in obedience to Christ, I encourage you to examine your life as well. Are you really living for Jesus?
I’ve mentioned this story before, but it has always stuck with me. When I was in my mid-twenties, I had a woman who worked for me who was in her late forties. She told me the older you get, the faster time goes. I laughed it off. After all, sixty minutes is sixty minutes, right? Ah, the arrogance of youth and the wisdom of age! Thirty years later I know how true her words were. If you’re anywhere near fifty or beyond, you know the same. The older we get, the faster time flies. This means our time is running out. While it should always be true for would-be disciples of Jesus, we must live with an intense focus and urgency.
I write often about living with urgency. Please hear me. Don’t just read the words. Understand we are but a breath and tomorrow we will be gone (James 4:14). Our primary goal is to be with Jesus forever because we are desperately in love with Him. If that’s true, our goal until that day is to look, live, and love like Jesus. It is to be our driving force. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day—Jesus! Nothing else.
Are you really living for Jesus? Am I? Do those around you know nothing means more to you than Christ? Do they know you would sooner die than deny Jesus? What are we doing with our lives? If we’re honest, are we living for ourselves or Jesus? There’s only one right answer, and there’s only one true answer. We cannot have it both ways. If we aren’t reflecting and promoting Jesus, if we aren’t telling someone else about Him, and if we are wasting all our time on ourselves, we must stop now. Our days are almost over. How will you spend what time you have remaining?