How long will we love what is worthless and spend our days pursuing lies? It’s a question King David asked concerning his enemies thousands of years ago and one that God is still asking of us today (Psalm 4:2). David asked it of his enemies, but I doubt anyone reading this considers themselves an enemy of God. How, then, can we explain why we are living our lives for such worthless pursuits?
We declare ourselves to be enemies of God when we reject Him and pursue the things of this world (James 4:4). Howl at that statement all you wish, but Jesus said those who aren’t with Him are against Him (Matthew 12:30). We can’t be for God and reject His commandments at the same time (John 14:15). We cannot serve two masters because we will love the one and hate the other (Matthew 6:24).
Everything we need is in Jesus. There is nothing in this world that will satisfy more than living in obedience to Christ. People all over cry out they are seeking truth, but what they mean is they are seeking to live life on their terms. If what they want is truth, then why do they spend their lives pursuing lies? Christians fare little better here than those who don’t know Christ. Brothers and sisters, this should not be so! If we love Jesus as we say we do, then our devotion is to the eternal truth.
Everything this world offers is a lie. We know this because earthly things come from the father of lies, Satan himself. We know we cannot love the things of this world and love God (1 John 2:15). It is an impossibility no matter how much we want to rationalize it. We also know if we love Christ, we will obey His commands (John 14:21). These are simple truths that we reject every day as we go about pursuing lies. Let me sum it up for you: if we love God, we will obey everything He says and reject everything that is of this world. That is the inescapable and undeniable truth.
We love worthless things and spend our days pursuing lies. Why? Is it for a temporary thrill or some fleeting pleasure and satisfaction? What good is that when we view it in the light of eternity? God is going to demand an explanation for every idle word we speak, act we commit, and thought we think (Matthew 12:36). Nothing escapes His notice. When judgment comes, what defense do we think we can offer if we spend our entire lives pursuing lies? What good will all our worthless things be on that day?
To live for Jesus is to live for truth. Not my truth, not your truth, but the truth. There is only one truth, just as there is only one way to get to Heaven (John 14:6). If we spend our lives pursuing lies, we will spend eternity in Hell with the father of lies. You can’t live for the world in this life and for God in the next. It doesn’t work that way. To spend eternity with Jesus, we must live for Him in this life. We don’t live for Him to earn the right to Heaven, but because of our love for Him and recognition of His Lordship. Don’t waste your life pursuing lies. Live it in devotion and obedience to the truth, Jesus Christ, who gave His life so you might live.