Something that continues to bother me is how Christians can consider the Bible to be dry and boring. I suppose I can understand why unbelievers might think parts of it are a bit dull, but for someone who knows Jesus as Lord? I don’t get it. While I would not go so far as to question whether someone who doesn’t delight in the Word of God truly knows Him at all, it does make me wonder.
How can you claim to love Jesus and not be drawn to the book that is all about Him? How can you not hang on every word of the One who is more important than anyone and everything else? It makes no sense to me. If you love the Lord, nothing should excite you more than to study His Word.
Over and over, the Bible refers to King David as a man after God’s own heart. He was far from a perfect man, but he followed God for his entire life. What was David’s response to the Word of God? Even a cursory reading of the Psalms makes it very clear. At different times, David said, “I delight in Your Word” (Psalm 1:1-2; Psalm 119:16) and “I meditate on Your Word day and night” (Psalm 63:6; Psalm 119:148). He also expressed a deep longing for the Word of God (Psalm 19:9-10; Psalm 119:131). Here is the King of Israel, one of the wealthiest men in the world at the time who had whatever he desired at his fingertips, and what he desired most was to be in God’s Word.
How long has it been since you were so thirsty for more of God you were panting for His commandments? A deep love for God breeds a deep desire for His Word. We need to move beyond being immature Christians and grow into the depths of God’s character (1 Corinthians 3:1-3). If your commitment to Christ was some time ago and you still don’t have a desire to dig into His Word, it may be time to check how genuine your commitment is. When we surrender to Christ, it’s not a one-time experience but a lifetime habit. Every day, indeed every hour, requires we surrender all over again because the devil is always seeking to direct our attention to the things of this world (1 Peter 5:8; 1 John 2:15-16).
If we don’t study His Word, we won’t have the strength to stand in the face of trials (Romans 5:3-5). Don’t fool yourself into thinking because you once said a prayer that you will never fall away. What makes you think you could stand in the face of persecution if you can’t even turn off your television or phone long enough to take a deep dive into God’s Word? We build strength and courage over time and only by pursuing and knowing God more and more each day.
Please don’t just read a little bit, shut the book, and check it off for the day. Let it get inside you. Read slowly. Look for all the marvelous things God has done throughout history. Marvel at His life and sacrifice. Rejoice in the promise of eternity with Him. Along the way, you will gain great wisdom and insight for living this life. There is so much in the Bible you will never know unless and until you study His Word. It is what true disciples do. Now is not the time for casualness. How much do you love Him? Do your actions support your answer? Hunger and pant for His Word. Let it build and shape you into the likeness of Christ.