Regular readers know that I rarely write time-sensitive pieces, but today I must make an exception. A situation has been developing in the horn of Africa that requires action from those of us who claim to be followers of Jesus. With a severe famine plaguing the land, over 13 million people face dire food shortages. Making matters worse, food prices have been dramatically rising, making it impossible for these impoverished people to be able to purchase what they can no longer grow. World Vision estimates that 35% of all children in the area are already malnourished. Crops and livestock have been wiped out. Disease is running rampant. These dear people, loved by God and worth infinitely much to Him, need our assistance immediately.
Political turmoil in the region has forced many to abandon their homes and live in refugee camps. In fact, the largest refugee camp in the world is in Kenya, right in the heart of this famine. Several organizations are working to rush aid into the region. I have long trusted and partnered with World Vision who is working tirelessly on behalf of these people in the name of Jesus. I encourage you to give what you can to assist them in their efforts.
In Matthew 25:35-40, Jesus commands us to feed the hungry and care for the sick. He tells us that when we obey in this manner, it’s as if we are feeding and caring for Him personally. Additionally, later in the passage, He makes it clear that if we do not do these things, we are not welcome in His Kingdom. This is where the rubber hits the road. People are dying before our very eyes. Because of hunger, every 12 seconds another child will pass from this life and into the next. What are you going to do? Are you going to pray that someone will supply the money necessary to help them or are you going to sacrifice and become part of the solution? Will you pray that God sends someone to help them or will you make a call to find out what you can do?
This isn’t one of those situations where we can sit still wondering what we should do; we already know the answer. Jesus said to feed them; Jesus said to care for them in their misery. We have the resources and the know-how. The only question is will we have the resolve to obey and live out our calling to further the mission of Christ to a people half a world away?
Check out the heart wrenching photographs from Jon Warren who recently returned from a trip to Kenya and Somalia. Look into the eyes and faces of these people. The only difference between us and them is our circumstances. We have been blessed in order that we might bless others. Every one of us, regardless of our situation can give something to help alleviate the hunger and sickness in Africa. Look at the photos and read through Matthew 25:31-46 again. This is our time; this is our crisis. Let’s show the world the love of Jesus together as we give ridiculously to help feed these starving people.
I’m making it very easy for everyone. Simply click the link below to donate to the cause. We are the body of Christ and we must act swiftly before anyone else succumbs to the deadly effects of this famine. The question isn’t “should you give”, but rather, “How much can I possible sacrifice on their behalf?” We have our orders; will you follow through in the name of Jesus? Click below to donate now.
Horn of Africa food crisis – Donate Now!