We hinder our ability to live as fully devoted followers of Christ when we allow sin to linger in our lives. We were created in God’s image, to live holy and obedient lives that will glorify our Creator. Every time we sin we are engaging in behavior that is diametrically opposed to who we are. We are spiritual beings living life in a physical body. The more we feed the physical rather than the spiritual, the less we look like Jesus. Our focus must be on nourishing the soul. This is accomplished only by pursuing those things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and morally excellent (Philippians 4:8). In other words, we feed our souls by pursuing Jesus.
So often we allow our minds to ingest material that is detrimental to our souls. We are convinced we are strong enough to deflect the bad and only consume the good. History and reality paint a different picture. We are what we allow ourselves to take in. If we subject ourselves to foolish talking and course jokes, we will become crude idiots. Viewing movies, advertisements, or web sites full of sex-charged content will make us susceptible to temptations in our day to day activities. Constantly seeking to acquire more and better possessions dulls our understanding of how much we need God. The Bible tells us to stay away from such things (Ephesians 5:3-4). God will not tolerate it and we will not escape His wrath.
When we pursue right desires and feed our souls with the nourishment of Christ, we move His mission forward and hasten the day when His Kingdom will be established on earth. But if we insist on pursuing our sexual desires, if we are not generous with what God has entrusted to us, or if we continue to put the things of this world before Him, He will exclude us from His Kingdom (Ephesians 5:5). What a price to pay for momentary pleasure, status, or satisfaction. Our little indiscretions spiral out of control and ultimately lead to eternal separation from Jesus.
When we concentrate on those things that please our physical bodies at the cost of our spiritual souls, we live a life contrary to the one we were created to live. We cannot go on like this. All the sin you allow because you think you can handle it will poison the soul and separate you from Christ. A little poison will infect your entire being. You know the things you need to quit doing. You know the things in your life that are not pleasing to God. This isn’t about a list of do’s and don’ts; it’s about living a clean life, having a pure soul to present to God. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you are just a physical body with a soul. You are a spiritual soul that happens to have a physical body. We are most alive when we feed our souls with the living Word of God.
A small spark can lead to a raging fire. When we allow just a little sin to creep into our lives, we expose ourselves to the greatest danger we could ever face. Playing with fire eventually will get your burned. It’s never worth it. Only Jesus can satisfy. Only He can heal the brokenness, and only He can feed your soul. Stop playing with sin. Don’t allow anything to encroach upon your soul that is not worthy of Jesus. Stop playing with fire.
In what areas of your life are you playing with fire? What will you commit to stop doing today and turn it over to Jesus? You can share your heart by leaving a comment below. Your personal struggle may encourage some else who is wrestling with similar issues.