Here’s an obvious statement: followers of Jesus love God and hate sin. That’s something with which I think all believers would agree. Now for a maybe not so obvious question: “If it’s true we love God and hate sin, why don’t we live like it is true?” To love God and hate sin is easy for us to say. Demonstrating it on a consistent basis gets a bit dicey. We sometimes demonstrate our love for God, just as we occasionally demonstrate our hatred for sin. Until we reach a point where we regularly demonstrate these two truths in our everyday lives, it may be fair to question whether or not we are true disciples of Jesus.
Archives for October 2014
Complacency and Laziness
Complacency and laziness are two of the deadliest enemies we face in our walk with Jesus. There are more insidious and despicable foes that will come our way, but none are more dangerous and deceptive than complacency and laziness. They sneak up on you with stealth-like wonder and infest themselves throughout your entire body. Complacency says we’ve “prayed the prayer” or “live life as a good person”. We’re good. We can coast from here. Complacency is fed by those who teach that our works don’t matter when it comes down to it. As long as we believe in Jesus we’re safe. Laziness is the close companion of complacency. It convinces you that it’s okay to spend a few extra hours sleeping or eating or watching television. After all, the world will still be there when we’re done. Meanwhile children starve, families are homeless, and people die faced with an eternity separated from the God who loves them.
What Color is God?

In the forward to the book, “Free: Spending your time and money on what matters most”, Richard Rohr stated that “If you are a white middle class American, for example, and all your beliefs end up making God look like a white middle-class American, sharing all of your usual prejudices and illusions, I doubt whether you have met the Eternal God at all.” Those are bold words that I believe sum up a major problem with Christianity in the world today. We all tend to make God in our own image instead of allowing Him to conform us to His image. We all see Him as a product of our particular culture instead of seeking to become part of God’s culture. Until we get this turned around, we will never experience the life He created us to live.
What Are We Exhaling?
I love Colossians 3:4. It says, “When the Messiah, who is your life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.” I am overwhelmed when I think about Jesus being my very life. I am nothing without Him. He has blessed me with every talent and passion that I have. He created every hair on my head and every cell in my body. He breathed His life into me. What an incredible thought. The breath of Christ is what brings us to life. Knowing what we have taken in (the very breath of God), what are we putting back out into the world? In other words, we have inhaled the breath of Christ; the important question now is: “What are we exhaling?”
Standards for Living
Much of our life is spent without giving a lot of conscious thought to our actions. We must recognize that people far from God are watching our every move, listening to our every word, observing every deed we do on behalf of others or ourselves. They watch us because they want to see if God really makes any difference in our lives. If we aren’t intentionally choosing to live in a way that honors Christ, we demonstrate to others that God really doesn’t change the way we live. This is tragic not only for us, but even more so to the one who rejects God because they see no point in following Him based on what they observe by watching us.