In Part I of “Your Best Year Ever” we discussed how the most important thing you can do in the coming year is to spend consistent time in God’s presence each day. Most have probably heard this advice before, but many struggle in determining what to do during the time they set aside. I want to share a few of my own habits (and new commitments) in hopes they will be helpful for you or at least inspire some new ideas for your own time with God.

Remember the time set aside for Christ should be all about Him. It’s easy to consume the time praying for all your needs and desires, but that means it’s all about you. You are the follower, not the followed. When you become God, it can become all about you. Until then, let’s focus on Jesus.
When was the last time you were face down in God’s presence, if not literally, then at least in spirit? Pray God’s Kingdom would come to fruition on earth. Pray for those far away from Christ. Pray for your fellow disciples who live in constant danger and persecution as a result of their faith. Pray about injustices in the world. Pray for your family and friends. Pray for everything and anyone except yourself. Trust me, you’ll find time throughout the day to bring your own petitions before God. Right now it’s all about Him and His Kingdom. Let Him break your heart for the very things which break His.
Listen and Reflect
After spending time in prayer, take some time to simply be still. Listen for what Jesus might be saying to you. I encourage you to write down any thoughts impressed upon your mind. Don’t interrupt. Let Him speak. If you hear nothing, then simply be quiet as you reflect on His glory. Say the name of Jesus. Praise Him for all of His amazing attributes. Relax in the warmth of His love. Be still and know He is God (Psalm 46:10).
Study, Memorize, and Learn
To know God better you need to read His Word. Ask Him to develop a love for His Word within you. If you can’t read well or find it too difficult, get some study aids to help you. Find an audio Bible so you can listen to God’s Word. If you need suggestions for any of these tools, email me and I’ll help you out.
Make every effort to memorize passages of Scripture which encourage your faith. There may come a day when reading God’s Word is no longer legal and you will need it hidden in your heart where no one can take it away. Listen to messages from other Christians and read books which strengthen and explain your faith. Write down what you learn and review it often. Draw close to God and He will draw close to you (James 4:8).
There is not space enough here to exhaustively explain how to draw closer to God through spending daily time with Him, but I hope this gives you a starting point. The most important thing you can do is to show up every day without fail. If He is the most important thing in your life, then prove it. Put Jesus first. Get to know Him. If you do, I guarantee you cannot help but have your best year ever.