At least in the Western world, we tend to allow our lives to be defined by what we produce or consume. We measure our success in comparison to our friends and neighbors, whether it’s by how far up the corporate ladder we’ve climbed or how many toys we’ve collected. If our neighbor buys a new car, chances are good we’ll suddenly feel compelled to do the same.

If our friend and coworker receives a promotion, we’ll likely tell someone else the reasons we deserved it more than they did. When our identity is defined in relation to someone else, it’s easy to let these kinds of ugly reactions occur in our lives.
Comparing yourself to someone else elevates either yourself or the other person above the other. God created us all as equals in His image. He never intended for us to lord anything over another, but rather to consider Him Lord in all things. We were created to glorify God and submit to His holiness and goodness. Along the way, sin entered and corrupted the perfect beauty of the relationship God intended between Himself and us. We began to usurp His place of authority and to see this world not in terms of what we could give, but what we could get from it.
We were created to find everything we need in Jesus. He designed us with specific gifts and abilities to enable us to build His Kingdom. Within each of us, a desire to worship our Creator was deeply instilled. As with all His creation, He looks on us and sees what He created as very good. We have unsurpassable worth in His eyes. No matter what we’ve done, regardless of how many times we’ve failed, irrespective of our size, shape, gender, or ethnicity, Jesus loves us beyond measure. No matter who you are, you are valued more than anything else in the eyes of Christ. You matter to Him.
Our identity should be found in Christ and nowhere else. He alone knows exactly what makes us tick. He knew us before we were formed (Psalm 139:13; Jeremiah 1:5). No matter your opinion of yourself, God has a plan for you and desires to know you. He says you are His child, loved, unique, and irreplaceable. None of this is dependent on your comparisons. Your identity in Christ is unaffected by your social status, wealth, job title, or popularity. You are prized and valued by God. Why should anything else matter?
If you are struggling in finding your identity, remember the only thing that matters is who God says you are. If He says you are loved as you are, don’t let anyone else pollute your mind by adding doubts or conditions to the Word of God. Finding your identity is as simple as letting go of everything this world says is important. When you live your life according to who Jesus says you are, you will find eternal love and significance. Stop playing the comparison game. Stop trying to define your identity by temporal and transient things. God says you are His kid, loved, embraced, honored, and valued. Find your identity in Him.