People are always looking to find out what God’s will is for their life. We’ve covered this in several posts before (see these posts), and the inevitable next question is, “What do I do to live out His will in my life?”. We confuse vocation with God’s will. His will is for you to look like His Son. Walk like Jesus walked, talk like Jesus talked, and love like Jesus loved; this is God’s will for your life.

No matter what you do, if you want to be living the life you were meant to live, you’ve got to become wholly devoted to God. There are no shortcuts or quick fixes. Until you are ready to give everything over to God, you will never fulfill your potential.
To not live up to your potential is to tell God it isn’t worth accepting the gifts He gave you. While I do not believe there is a divine blueprint dictating your steps and decisions, I do believe God gives each of us a unique combination of talents and passions so we can accomplish specific work for His Kingdom (Ephesians 2:10; Ephesians 4:11-13). When you declare Him to be Lord of your life, you in effect are letting Him know you are good with whatever He asks. And it’s okay, because He will never give us anything to do for which He has not equipped us.
When Jesus says, “Go”, we go without hesitation. When He tells us to do something, we trust He has equipped us to accomplish the work at hand. We need not fear, because He is only giving us the opportunity to do what we were created to do. Being obedient to Christ enables you to live the life you were created to live. It keeps you in His will.
Who wouldn’t want to live the life they were designed to live? There is no better way to live a life of significance and to leave a legacy. None of us were put here for taking up space or filling a seat. Every single one of us was designed for a unique and specific purpose. There are no freeloaders in God’s Kingdom. I’ve met so many people who feel they aren’t gifted to do anything special. First, the Bible tells us we all have been given gifts (Romans 12:5-8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; Ephesians 4:11-13) to do the work assigned by God (Ephesians 2:10). Second, let God determine what is special; He looks at things in a far different manner from the world in which we live. If you are doing a task given you by the God of the Universe, I’d say that’s pretty special!
If you want to live the life you were meant to live, you must surrender to live your life wholly devoted to Jesus. It’s the only way this thing works. Sure, you’ll see people who don’t follow Christ who appear to be happy and have the world at their fingertips. Myself, I’d rather have Heaven in my grasp. Don’t confuse success or happiness in this world with rewards and joy in the Kingdom of God. One is temporary, the latter is eternal. Do you want to live the life you were meant to live? Devote yourself wholly to God. It’s that simple.