This is the 1,000th post here on That’s over half a million words, and I admit, a little crazy. When I wrote the first post, I didn’t envision writing 999 more. As I realized I was approaching a thousand posts I had to ask myself, “What’s the purpose of it all?” I don’t write to hear myself talk; I have no delusions of being so interesting. I don’t do it for the money; I’ve never attempted to make a single penny off this site (and never have!). So why do I keep pushing new thoughts out there every Monday and Thursday?

The answer is, perhaps anti-climatically, because of Jesus. Christ told us to take His Word into all the world. The Internet seems like an efficient way for me to follow His mandate. Beyond that, it’s in hopes of making a difference in a single life. I’m grateful for all of you who read this blog, but I feel I would continue even if there was only one. I would because God gave me the ability to write, the gift to encourage, and the command to share His mission. He’s given a similar assignment to you.
You may not be a writer, but I know you have other unique talents and abilities. No matter what gifts He has given us, our job is to use those gifts to tell others about Jesus and further His mission in this world. His mission is to restore the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. It will be accomplished through love, sacrifice, humility, and service. These aren’t your typical weapons of war, but they are the ones He has entrusted to us.
If we are not using our talents and gifts to continue His mission, we are wasting our lives. There is no other purpose for living. Those who do not believe in Christ think life is to gain as much money, status, success, or happiness as they can. The problem with these goals is someday they all will die. When that occurs, none of what they lived for will matter. In fact, it will testify against them when they face the Holy and jealous God who will not accept devotion to anything or anyone other than Himself.
We are called to a different standard. We are called to use the gifts and abilities He has given us to fulfill a piece of His mission only we can. No one else has the same mix of skills, talents, gifts, passions, and abilities you do; no one! We all need each other to play their part, to fill their role. My thousand or so words each week mean little in the grand scheme of things. But perhaps someone with different gifts will be inspired by one of these posts to go and make a major impact for the Kingdom using their own abilities. Perhaps their impact would never be made had they not read something here.
We never know how God is using us to influence the world on His behalf. We only know our job is to obey, to submit our dreams and everything else He has given us to His authority. We trust His plans are so much bigger and better than our own. When we surrender, He can use us in awesome and amazing ways.
After a thousand posts, I can tell you I have heard from readers who tell incredible stories. These are stories I could never tell. I don’t possess their gifts. We’re all in this together. We need each other. Remember you are special and have unsurpassable worth in the eyes of God. Never forget this fact. And never forget we desperately need you to surrender what God has given you back to Him. In so doing, He can, in turn, bless all of us through you. Until Christ returns, let’s keep creating. Let’s keep writing, drawing, singing, acting, conducting, directing, leading, and loving. Let’s share His gifts with the world. While I would continue to write even if I walked alone, it’s so much better knowing all of us walk together with Him. Don’t deprive the world of what He has given you. Share it with us all.