There’s a famous line from the 1999 movie, “The Sixth Sense”, where the little boy says, “I see dead people.” It was supposed to be creepy at the time, but now it is more comical (or perhaps that’s just my own twisted sense of humor!). The fact is, as Christ-followers, we should say “I see dead people” every time we walk into a gathering of believers.
If our faith in Jesus is genuine it means we have given up everything. Indeed, we have died to ourselves. Jesus said if we would follow Him we must “take up our cross daily” (Luke 9:23). Nobody walks away from their cross alive. We are dead people.
Once we recognize we are dead people, many things change. The insults people hurl at us won’t sting. The broken promises of others won’t hurt. Dead people feel no pain or offense. Now we are dead, we are free to be alive in Christ (Galatians 2:19-20). This is where true life is found. The fact is we’ve never really lived until we die to ourselves and surrender everything to Jesus. All we were intended to be and do can never be found outside of the very One who created us and gave us life.
As dead people, we can easily serve others. We are no longer conscious of our own needs. Our provision comes from God as we seek His Kingdom and minister to those in need (Matthew 6:31-33). Our pride is no longer a factor. Dead people aren’t proud! Instead of trying to climb the corporate ladder we’re content to be still where we are. Outside influences hold no sway over us. The endless barrage of social media and societal pressures go unnoticed. There is great joy in living as dead people!
Dead people build no legacies. Their legacy is the fruit produced from their death. Once dead, we are freed to live only for Christ. No longer will our dreams matter. They will be replaced with an earnest desire to glorify God and God alone. Eternal joy in His presence replaces our shallow search for temporal happiness. Our value and worth are defined by Christ, not in anything done by our own hand. In short, nothing but Jesus matters anymore. It’s easy for Christians to say we’ve died to our self, but have we really? Do we truly live as dead people?
It is peaceful to live as dead people. It releases all pressure to perform; dead people don’t. Dead people don’t worry about tomorrow. They don’t fret about money or what other people think of them. You know why? They’re dead! They are no longer part of this world. They’ve moved on. Now for the tough question. Are you alive or dead? Can you honestly say you are living life as a dead person? Has everything of this world fallen away? Are you living abandoned to Christ or clinging to any number of things this world offers? For true followers of Christ, there is only one option. We have to die. Now. Let’s all begin to live as dead people.