Life, and all of history, is cyclical. We’ve all heard the phrase, “history repeats itself”, and those who have lived or studied long enough know it to be true. We see it on a more personal level in our individual histories. Everyone goes through periods in our careers where we enjoy what we do and the people with whom we work. Then the company gets sold or a few of your favorite people leave, and everything changes.
After some time, you begin enjoying your work again, either at that company or by moving on. Our satisfaction in our work and personal life always ebbs and flows. God created a cyclical universe. The one thing not cyclical is God Himself. He is the epitome of steadiness, the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8).
God made clear the fact He is always the same when He told Moses His name: I AM (Exodus 3:13-14). God does not change because He simply “is”. It’s heady stuff to wrap your mind around. The Lord is not becoming anything other than He already is and has always been. He does not change over time or with the times because He exists outside of time. God is not bound by the same constraints that bind you and me. Our God is so amazing that He does not experience past, present, or future as we do. Being outside of time, He experiences it all at once. I can’t begin to comprehend that. His ability to transcend time gives Him a steadiness we can never dream of achieving.
I speak of steadiness because we should always strive to be more like God. The steadier we are, the more our character will reflect His. I’ve also observed it is the steady people who bring calm through the tumultuous cycles of life. They don’t get too high or too low because they know everything lasts only for a season. Everyone’s personality is different, of course, but in times of trouble, we all seek steadiness. We want solid footing. Even those who are naturally steady seek those who are even steadier!
If you aren’t a naturally steady person, or just want to grow to look more like our Lord, how do we do that? There is no substitute for reading, meditating on, and memorizing God’s Word. As we read the stories in the Bible, we see how God’s steady hand brought His people through very troubled times in the past. As we meditate on what He is saying to us through His Word, it will bring peace and calm into our lives. And as we memorize scripture, it enables us to recall His Words when we are stressed, in trouble, or even overcome with joy. Knowledge of God’s Word enables us to respond to all things in a calm and steady manner.
Familiarity with God’s Word breeds familiarity with God Himself. When you spend time in the presence of steady people, you become more like them. Steadiness develops over time and through trials. But if we stay focused on Jesus and consistently immerse ourselves in His Word, we will find a new perspective that helps us navigate the twists and turns of our earthly existence. God’s steadiness is a wonderful comfort and an incredible gift. It is available to all who will trust, believe, and seek Him.