That persecution is coming is a certainty (2 Timothy 3:12). For many, it will be the first time you experience it, so there is an urgent need to be prepared. In studying the topic, I’ve come to understand that preparation isn’t so much in learning how to deal with what may come, but how to order your life now. Living a holy life is the ultimate preparation for withstanding persecution.
Unless we have a foundation of holiness, each of us will crumble like houses made of sand (Matthew 7:26-27). If you want to stand strong in the fire, you must fireproof yourself before the flames arrive. The closer we are to Christ before persecution comes, the better we will withstand whatever form it takes.
The only thing that can mentally prepare you for hunger, isolation, and physical pain is to make certain your mind is so saturated with God’s Word that Jesus is all you can think about. When going through persecution, your mind often breaks before your body does. That’s good news because we can all strengthen our minds by reading God’s Word and meditating on His magnificence and beauty. Prayer and Bible study are not only the keys to living a holy life, but are also essential to preparing for persecution.
Speaking of prayer, today is the day you need to solidify your commitment to talk to God every single day. You don’t want to find yourself in the throes of persecution before reaching out to God for the first time since you don’t know when. It’s not that He neglects those who neglect Him, but it is worth noting His Word says if we draw close to Him, He will draw close to us (James 4:8). It is far better to have that closeness established before the intense trials are raining down on you. Remember, it’s all about being prepared.
So why did I title this article “Living a Holy Life” instead of something like, “Prepare for Persecution”? It’s because you cannot prepare for persecution unless you are first obsessing over living a holy life. If God is not the focus of your life, you will not be ready for what lies ahead. In his first epistle, Peter emphasizes living a holy life in every chapter. Do you know what always follows his admonition for holiness? Warnings of suffering and persecution. Living a holy life prepares us for persecution, and the persecution refines and purifies our holiness.
Holiness can’t wait. When you surrender to Jesus’s Lordship, there is an implicit commitment to be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16). Following Jesus will cost you everything (Luke 14:26-27), so get comfortable with losing everything for the sake of Christ (Philippians 3:7-8). Everything includes more than physical possessions or wealth. It includes comfort, freedom, security, and maybe even your well-being. It’s okay; Jesus is worth all this and more.
We’ve got to get ready. Pick up your Bible, and fall to your knees. Saturate your mind with His Word and be diligent in prayer. Don’t put off getting ready for persecution and don’t deceive yourself by thinking you can handle anything. The only way to prepare for persecution is to stand firm in the faith (1 Corinthians 16:13; Colossians 1:22-23; Revelation 2:25-26), and we can only do that by living a holy life every day.