To be a true follower of Christ means surrendering everything to Him. The instant we proclaim Him to be our Lord, we give up our right to call anything our own. All of our money, our time, and our possessions are now His to be used to glorify God and to further the Kingdom. Intellectually, we know this, but the translation somehow gets muddied between our heart and our actions. Instead of giving everything to Him, we have a tendency to reserve certain pockets of our lives to keep outside of His control.
Archives for May 2012
Submission, Surrender and Sacrifice
Becoming a disciple of Christ requires we get comfortable with some uncomfortable words. Submission. Surrender. Sacrifice. These are not concepts that most of us gravitate towards easily. When we do inch our way closer to abiding by these principles, what is harder still is to give ourselves completely to them. We submit certain areas of our lives to God but keep others to manage ourselves. Surrender in measure is acceptable, but not in full. Sacrifice is easy as long as our limits are not pushed too far. Following Jesus is not about what we can keep or what we will gain; it’s about losing everything for the sake of His mission and His Kingdom.
Living an Authentic Life
Many desire to live authentic lives but struggle to know what that actually means. A life of authenticity is one lived true to yourself, without pretense, and in perfect alignment with who you were created to be. Sounds simple, right? It should be, but I’m confident you’d agree that it is anything but easy. To tackle this problem, we must approach it from the inside out. Working from the outside in would only breed superficiality, which is in direct conflict with living an authentic life. It all begins within, and this is where we will start.
I grew up in the early 80’s, so the word ‘awesome’ was ingrained in my vocabulary. Every generation seems to have its catch phrases, and this was certainly the way many expressed themselves in those days. Over the past few years, I have been working to systematically eradicate the word from my speech. Those of you who grew up in the 80’s can appreciate how difficult a task this has been! My reasoning stems from the actual definition of the word. I don’t want to get too technical, but to paraphrase Webster, awesome simply means something that inspires awe. To complete the picture, the dictionary defines awe as “an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime”.
Change Your Life
Imagine how happy you’d be if you could change the circumstances around you to better suit your needs and desires. What would life look like for you if that were possible? Where would you live? How would you spend your days? Envisioning your ideal life is the first step to being able to create it, and you’d probably be surprised to find out that you can indeed have all the things about which you are dreaming. Before you dismiss this out of hand, I encourage you to read on; there really is a simple secret to begin changing your life today, and it’s something that anyone can do!