Constant prayer has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. I have a near constant dialog going with God. Somedays it’s more conversational, others it can just be a series of “I love You” or “Thank You” prayers being sent His way. Praying continuously is something I do without thinking. It wasn’t something I planned one day, it’s just how it is for me. I can’t remember a time when it wasn’t like this.

Even when times are difficult, the prayer continues. While there are plenty of other areas with which I struggle, this one isn’t a huge concern for me in this season of my life. Still, I recognize continuous prayer doesn’t come as easy to many. Knowing this, I wanted to spend some time looking at Scripture and talking through the discipline of praying continuously.
If you are one who struggles to pray continuously, don’t envy those of us who don’t. Trust me, there are things that come naturally for you which are great mysteries to me. In Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus, he told them to be praying continuously. He said we should bring our requests to God, intercede on behalf of others, and use prayer as a means of staying alert to the attacks of the enemy. He also encouraged his readers to pray for boldness to present the Gospel of Jesus to those who need to hear (Ephesians 6:18-20).
As you can see, praying continuously yields a laundry list of benefits. The most obvious benefit of praying continuously is the ability to constantly bring our requests to Christ. While we don’t want to treat God as a spiritual Santa Claus or, – even less appropriately – as a lucky slot machine, He is intimately interested in hearing the desires of our hearts. As we mature in our faith and grow to know Him better, our petitions will become more and more in line with His will. I think He smiles when we make requests like these.
Praying continuously also affords us the opportunity to intercede for others. It is quieting and comforting to pray blessings on other people; it cleanses the soul. If you have nothing else for which to pray, consider interceding for the persecuted (see for specific needs). Pray they will feel part of the worldwide Church, and to know they have not been forgotten. There is not an hour of the day they do not need our prayers.
We have an insidious enemy always looking for ways to destroy us (I Peter 5:8). Praying continuously not only helps keep the devil at bay, it also makes us more courageous. Pray for boldness for yourself and other believers. We need to fearlessly go into the darkest places sharing the light and love of Jesus. Praying continuously will give you the courage you need to advance the Gospel.
A life spent praying continuously is one filled with joy; not necessarily happiness, but great, extraordinary joy. Communing with our God is a euphoric experience. It is like nothing else. Some have suggested setting a reminder on your phone to go off every few minutes to serve as a reminder to be talking to your Father. Perhaps it will work for you. Better yet, orient your life so fully around Jesus you cannot help but be praying continuously. He longs to talk with you. Why not begin praying right now? Then, spend the rest of this day praying continuously.