Early in the book of Genesis, there’s a familiar passage that’s one of those that is easy to gloss over because it is so familiar, or we fail to see its relevance in our world. Genesis 15:6 says, “Abram believed the Lord, and He credited it Him as righteousness.” Abram simply believed what God told Him, trusted it would come to pass, and as a result, God blessed Him and considered Abram to be His friend (James 2:23; Isaiah 41:8).
It was a simple interaction. God spoke to Abram, Abram believed God, Abram received God’s blessing, and his relationship with His Creator flourished. When God speaks to us, do we believe Him? Do we trust He will do what He says He will do? As we read through Scripture, do we trust God’s Word, or do we only hope or wish it to be true?
God has promised that He will work everything together for good (Romans 8:28). Notice, He doesn’t say our personal good, but for the good of those who love Him. Even when our lives crumble around us, we can know that somehow, someway, God will use what we are going through to further His Kingdom. We cannot see or understand how God can weave every situation in the past, present, and future into the beautiful and good tapestry of His plan. But we can trust that it is true because God said it. Do we trust God’s Word?
There was an old bumper sticker that said, “God said it. I believe it. That settles it.” While the statement may be simplistic, the sentiment should ring true in the life of a believer. We either trust God’s Word or we do not. And lest we forget, Jesus is the embodiment of God’s Word (John 1:1-3), so to speak plainly, we either trust Jesus or we do not. If we do, He will consider us His friends (John 15:14-15) and we will reap the blessings of a relationship with Him throughout eternity.
Like Abram, if we want to be a friend of God, we must believe, trust, and obey. Jesus said if we love Him, we will obey His commands (John 14:15). That means we must put aside all we are pursuing and surrender everything to Jesus. That is not a commitment we can take lightly. The only way to know if it will be worth it depends on whether we trust God’s Word.
Do you believe Jesus is who He says He is? Do you trust God’s Word? If you do, your life will reflect what you believe. We cannot say we trust God and then live life on our own. A disciple of Jesus does not go their own way. God is trustworthy. He will never let you down. But the only way to encounter His blessings in your life is to surrender everything and trust Him completely. God wants to be your Savior, your King, and your friend. Trust Him. See what He will do in your life to bring Him glory and supply you with peace and joy in His presence forever.