Perhaps nothing is more necessary to living the Christian life than perseverance. If you want to live like Jesus, life will test you (John 16:33). For those who dare to call Jesus Lord, know your path will not be the easy way. You will need to develop firm resolve and require buckets full of perseverance to get through this life. We are not on our own here. God’s Word has much to say about perseverance, the need for it, and how to develop more.
If you’ve read and studied the Bible over the years, you are no doubt familiar with Job’s story. He had everything you could ever want in this world, and he walked humbly before God. In a flash, he lost everything. Wracked in pain and sorrow, Job persevered through the pain and refused to give up His faith in our holy God. He is an incredible model of what perseverance looks like in the life of a believer.