When you meet Jesus, will He find that you’ve made the most of your life in this world, while thinking little of the life to come? I hope not. When choosing how to spend our life on earth, we must make the most of it. We only get one trip through this life. One journey to define our allegiance, one adventure to create a story.
What is the story you are writing? Is it one filled with achievement, wealth, power, and conquest? Or is it one of surrender, submission, purpose, and humility? Which of those stories do you think God intends for you to write? Which will bring glory and honor to Him (1 Corinthians 10:31)?
There is a significant difference between the world’s definition of success and God’s. The Apostle John warns us not to love the world or the things that are in the world (1 John 2:15). In a world bombarding us with its expectations of what it means to live the good life, that’s an arduous task. Temptation is our constant companion and we must pray the Lord will keep us from giving in to it (Matthew 6:13; 1 Corinthians 10:13). This life we live is no longer ours (Galatians 2:19-20), so if we are to make the most of it, we must come to grips with the fact everything we do must be to further His Kingdom (Colossians 3:23-24; John 15:8).
Making the most of life for a follower of Jesus means we start our days in prayer with Him, we end our days in prayer with Him, and in between we saturate our lives in prayers to Him. There are few moments in my day when I am not praying. It’s as natural as breathing to me and perhaps it’s the same for you. But this can’t be the totality of our prayer life. This “constant dialogue,” as I like to think of it, is often more shallow and self-focused than a dedicated and focused time spent marveling at the beauty of Christ and the majesty of who His (Psalm 27:4). We need regular and unmovable times to spend alone in prayer with Him (Matthew 6:6).
None of us is ever too busy to pray each day (Luke 10:38-42). You will always be busy with whatever is most important to you, so why not make that prayer? In the depths of our hearts, we all know we make time for what is most important to us. There are a million reasons, circumstances, and excuses why you might not find time to pray, but all reflect the same messed-up priorities. Jesus is Lord, of that there is no question (Philippians 2:9-11). Whether you live your life as if that’s true is up to you (Deuteronomy 30:19-20; Joshua 24:15).
Your life can be full and exciting, but you will never make the most of it if until the focus of your life is God. Maybe your life is empty and desperate. Allow God to be your refuge in the storm (Psalm 46:1; Psalm 91:1-2). In your desperation, make the most of it by falling at His feet and begging for more grace, more mercy, and more love (Hebrews 4:16). His supply is inexhaustible, and I can think of no better way to spend a day than prostrate in His presence. Don’t waste your life with all the things this world has to offer. Make the most of it by seeking Him in prayer, and living every day for His glory and not yours (Romans 12:1-2).