I woke up at 3:30 in the morning recently. That’s not an hour where I normally have a great deal of clarity. But on that morning, I was immediately hit with the thought that the only important thing is to honor God with all my life. I must make every decision with the aim of honoring God. Every activity I endeavor to engage in, every plan I make, every thought I think, and every word I speak means nothing if they are not honoring to God.
Who or what else is worthy of my honor? Me? Certainly not! Only the Lord is worthy of honor and praise (Psalm 96:4; Deuteronomy 10:21; Revelation 5:12; Revelation 4:11; Psalm 29:2). In the dark and stillness of the night, it was a clear and simple course of action. Whatever else I would do that day, it would mean nothing if it weren’t for the glory of God.